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Before diving into the specifics, let's first define a number of concepts that will be useful once we start developing:


Greenlight provisions and manages Core Lightning nodes on behalf of its users. The nodes expose the grpc interface defined in the cln-grpc proto file, without limitations. The goal of this guide is to spin up a node and interact with it as if it were a local Core Lightning node.


All communication channels in Greenlight are authenticated and encrypted via mTLS (mutual Transport Layer Security). Each client receives its own identity in the form of a private key and matching certificate, which can then be used to authenticate and encrypt communication when talking with Greenlight.

This guide uses two types of identities

  • Developer identities can be used to register or recover Greenlight nodes.
  • Device identities are used by applications to authenticate to single Greenlight nodes. The private key is generated locally and will stay on your users device.

You can obtain a developer identity using the Greenlight Developer Console. When you register a node Greenlight will return a device identity. Alternatively, you can use request a new device identity for a node using the recover functionality.

See the security page for more details about how the authentication works.


The signer manages any private information, is used to prove node ownership when registering and recovering, and processes signature requests from the node. It is initialized with the secret seed (a 32 byte secret), the bitcoin network the node runs on, and the identity to use when communicating with the node.

See the security page for details on how the signer ensures that operations it signs off originate from an authenticated app.


Greenlight nodes are scheduled on-demand when a client needs to talk to it. The Scheduler tracks which nodes are running where, and starts them if they aren't running yet. You can think of it as just a mechanism to register new nodes and look up where they are running.