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Installing the library

Greenlight provides client libraries for a variety of programming languages, providing an idiomatic interface to developers. The libraries allow interaction with both the Scheduler and the Node. The Scheduler provides access to the node metadata, while the Node is the user's CLN node running on Greenlight's infrastructure.

Steps to install the library depend on the programming language and target environment. The code blocks below provide tabs for the most common ones:

Add the gl-client crate as a dependency by either editing the Cargo.toml and add the following lines

gl-client = { git = "ssh://" }

or by using cargo add:

cargo add --git

Note: the rust library currently relies on git dependencies, which does not allow. The gl-client library on is a placeholder until our dependencies stabilize.

The gl-client package is available on the public PyPI:

pip install -U gl-client

If you use a different dependency management system please see its documentation about how to specify gl-client as a dependency.