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Client Credentials

Greenlight utilizes various components, such as mTLS certificates and runes, to provide secure access to a node. Various pieces of data must be persisted and made available to the client at runtime. Check out the Security page for more information.

To simplify data management for users and developers, Greenlight uses Credentials as a centralized location for the necessary information. Credentials can be reconstructed in various ways and exported in byte-encoded format for persistence.

Ways to Retrieve Credentials

Nobody Identity

How to build Credentials for the default Nobody identity?

use gl_client::credentials::Builder;

// Builds the default nobody identity.
let creds = Builder::as_nobody()
    .expect("Failed to create default Nobody credentials")
    .expect("Failed to build Nobody credentials");

// Access the tls config.
let tls_config = creds.tls_config()
    .expect("Failed to create TlsConfig");
from glclient import Credentials, TlsConfig

# Builds the default nobody identity.
creds = Credentials.as_nobody().with_default().build();

# Access the TlsConfig
tls = TlsConfig(creds)

How to build Credentials for a custom Nobody identity?

use gl_client::credentials::Builder;

let ca = std::fs::read("ca.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");
let cert = std::fs::read("nobody.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");
let key = std::fs::read("nobody-key.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");

// Builds nobody credentials from custom values.
let creds = Builder::as_nobody()
    .with_identity(cert, key)
    .expect("Failed to build Nobody credentials");

// Access the tls config.
let tls_config: gl_client::tls::TlsConfig = creds.tls_config()
    .expect("Failed to create TlsConfig");
from pathlib import Path
from glclient import Credentials, TlsConfig

capath = Path("ca.pem")
certpath = Path("nobody.pem")
keypath = Path("nobody-key.pem")

# Builds the default nobody identity.
creds = Credentials.as_nobody()

# Access the TlsConfig
tls = TlsConfig(creds)

Device Identity

The Credentials for a device can be retrieved in numberous ways. They can be restored from a path to a encoded credentials file, as well as from a byte array that carries the same data. Credentials for the device can also be constructed by their components or a combination of all of the above.

How to build Credentials from encoded formats?

use gl_client::credentials::Builder;

// Restore device credentials from a file.
let creds = Builder::as_device()
    .expect("Failed to read credentials file")
    .expect("Failed to build Device credentials");

// Alternatively restore from byte encoded data;
let enc_creds: [u8] = vec![...] // Some useful data here.
let creds = Builder::as_device()
    .expect("Faild to decode credentials")
    .expect("Failed to build Device credentials");

// Access the tls config.
let tls_config = creds.tls_config()
    .expect("Failed to create TlsConfig");

// Access the rune.
let rune = creds.rune();
from glclient import Credentials, TlsConfig

# Restore device credentials from a file.
creds = Credentials.as_device()

# Alternatively restore from byte encoded data.
creds = Credentials.as_device()
    .from_bytes(b('...')) # Some meaningful data

# Access the TlsConfig
tls = TlsConfig(creds)

How to build Credentials step by step?

use gl_client::credentials::Builder;

let ca = std::fs::read("ca.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");
let cert = std::fs::read("device.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");
let key = std::fs::read("device-key.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");
let rune = std::fs::read("rune").expect("Failed to read from file");

// Build device credentials step by step.
let creds = Builder::as_device()
    .with_identity(cert, key)
    .expect("Failed to build Device credentials");

// Access the tls config.
let tls_config = creds.tls_config()
    .expect("Failed to create TlsConfig");

// Access the rune.
let rune = creds.rune();
from pathlib import Path
from glclient import Credentials, TlsConfig

capath = Path("ca.pem")
certpath = Path("device.pem")
keypath = Path("device-key.pem")
runepath = Path("rune")

# Builds the default nobody identity.
creds = Credentials.as_nobody()

# Access the TlsConfig
tls = TlsConfig(creds)


One can use a combination of the methods showed above to override the configuration. This example overrides the CA certificate.

    use gl_client::credentials::Builder;

    let ca = std::fs::read("ca.pem").expect("Failed to read from file");

    // Builds the default nobody identity, overrides ca certificate.
    let creds = Builder::as_nobody()
        .expect("Failed to create default Nobody credentials")
        .with_ca(ca) // CA certificate gets overriden.
        .expect("Failed to build Nobody credentials");
from glclient import Credentials, TlsConfig

capath = Path("ca.pem")

# Builds the default nobody identity, overrides ca certificate.
creds = Credentials
    .with_ca("rb").read()) # CA certificate gets overriden.

# Access the TlsConfig
tls = TlsConfig(creds)